NIBSC94/674 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human recombinant WHO Reference Reagent 94/674

NIBSC94/674 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human recombinant WHO Reference Reagent 94/674

Product descriptionThyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human recombinant WHO Reference Reagent/促甲状腺激素,人重组TSH
Product number94/674 NIBSC94/674 /重组人促甲状腺激素国际标准品TSH,DNA衍生
CategoryDiagnostics Protein Hormones and Endocrine ProductsEndocrinology/重组人促甲状腺激素国际标准物质TSH
KeywordsTSH, immunoassay/人重组促甲状腺激素国际参考试剂TSH
Type of standardInternational Reference Reagent
Instructions for Use94-674.pdf Instructions for Use
Minimum quantity1


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