NIBSC18/220 Anti-HPA 15b minimum potency reagent (WHO Reference Reagent) 18/220

NIBSC18/220 Anti-HPA 15b minimum potency reagent (WHO Reference Reagent) 18/220

Product descriptionAnti-HPA 15b minimum potency reagent (WHO Reference Reagent)/抗-HPA 15b最低效力试剂/抗-HPA 15b最低效力国际标准物质/最低效力抗-HPA 15b国际标准品
Product number18/220 NIBSC18/220
CategoryDiagnostics Blood Transfusion and Transplantation
KeywordsAnti-Human Platelet Antigen 15b minimum potency
Type of standardInternational Reference Reagent
Customer notesAnti-Human Platelet Antigen 15b minimum potency Anti-HPA-15b
Instructions for Use18-220.pdf Instructions for Use
Minimum quantity1
抗-HPA 15b最低效力试剂/抗-HPA 15b最低效力国际标准物质/最低效力抗-HPA 15b国际标准品


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