NIBSC19/156 Panel of recombinant antibody controls for Cytokine Release Assays 19/156

NIBSC19/156 Panel of recombinant antibody controls for Cytokine Release Assays 19/156


Product description Panel of recombinant antibody controls for Cytokine Release Assays
Product number 19/156 NIBSC19/156
Category Biotherapeutics ImmunotoxicologyBiotherapeutics
Keywords Antibody Cytokine-release-assays immunotoxicity Cytokine-release-syndrome
Type of standard Working standard single unit sales
Customer notes Panel consists of 7 components:- 15/144 x2, 15/162, 15/178, 15/198, 15/218 & 15/232.
Instructions for Use 19-156.pdf Instructions for Use
Minimum quantity 1


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