1022-A Non-Modified Powder/Rice Bayer Event Non-modified powder

1022-A Non-Modified Powder/Rice Bayer Event Non-modified powder

AOCS 1022-A Non-Modified Powder was prepared from non-modified rice by Bayer CropScience. AOCS 1022-A is available in 10 g of powder, packaged in 27-mL glass headspace vials

This is the first batch of non-modified rice CRM prepared by AOCS for Bayer CropScience. It was produced in January 2023. The certified value is based on a sample impurity of 0% (3750 out of 3750 seeds tested negative for all of the above events). With 95% confidence, the true value is < 0.8 g/kg. The measurement uncertainty is the expanded uncertainty with a coverage factor of 1.65 and confidence level of 95%.

AOCS 1022-A是由拜耳作物科学公司以未改性的水稻为原料制备的。AOCS 1022-A装在10g粉末中,包装在27mL玻璃顶部空间小瓶中

这是AOCS为拜耳作物科学公司研制的第一批非转基因水稻CRM。它制作于2023年1月。认证值基于0%的样品杂质(3750粒种子中的3750粒对上述所有事件均呈阴性)。置信度为95%时,真实值<0.8 g/kg。测量不确定度是覆盖因子为1.65、置信水平为95%的扩展不确定度。 Rice Bayer Event Non-modified powder


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