0411-CD2 非转基因玉米种子和5307玉米种子标准品Maize Non-Modified/5307 Powder

0411-CD2 非转基因玉米种子和5307玉米种子标准品Maize Non-Modified/5307 Powder

0411-CD2 非转基因玉米种子和5307玉米种子标准品 This is the second batch of non-modified maize CRM prepared by AOCS for Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC. A total of 3000 seeds (10 aliquots of 300 seeds) were evaluated and all of the aliquots tested negative for 5307 maize. With 95% confidence, the true value is < 1.0 g/kg. The measurement uncertainty is the expanded uncertainty with a coverage factor of 1.65 and a confidence level of 95%. This material is for limited purposes only: see “Intended Use” and “Terms and Conditions.”

This is the second batch of NP2171/NP2460 (5307) maize CRM prepared by AOCS for Syngenta Crop Protection, LLC. The certified value is based on a sample purity of 99% (396 out of 400 seeds tested positive for 5307 maize). With 95% confidence, the true value is ≥ 977 g/kg. The measurement uncertainty is truncated on the right side such that the value does not exceed 1000 g/kg. The measurement uncertainty is the expanded uncertainty with a coverage factor of 2 and confidence level of 95%.

这是AOCS为先正达作物保护有限责任公司制备的第二批非改良玉米CRM。共评估了3000粒种子(300粒种子的10份等分试样),所有等分试样的5307粒玉米检测结果均为阴性。置信度为95%时,真实值小于1.0 g/kg。测量不确定度是覆盖因子为1.65、置信水平为95%的扩展不确定度。

这是AOCS为先正达作物保护有限责任公司准备的第二批NP2171/NP2460(5307)玉米CRM。认证值基于99%的样品纯度(400粒种子中有396粒5307玉米检测呈阳性)。在95%置信度下,真实值≥977g/kg。测量不确定度在右侧截断,使其值不超过1000 g/kg。测量不确定度是覆盖因子为2、置信水平为95%的扩展不确定度。 Maize Non-Modified/5307 Powder


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