欧盟BCR/IRMM/ERM常见问题- CRM的不确定性意味着什么?



What does the CRM uncertainty mean?

The uncertainty indicates the range where the “true” property value can be expected with a stated probability. This information can be used directly, if the material is used for calibration. When the material is used to estimate method bias, the uncertainty range for the result obtained in the laboratory of the user should overlap with the uncertainty range given on the certificate. If this is true, the method applied by the user for determining the property is unbiased. The CRM user should take care to compare only equivalent statistical parameters, i.e. for instance confidence intervals (and not the SD from a measurement with expanded uncertainties from a certificate).

专业供应欧盟BCR/IRMM/ERM, 更多CRM的不确定性意味着什么问题,可以咨询客服!