


NIST-SRM1951C – Lipids in Frozen Human Serum

产品名称         Description:     Lipids in Frozen Human Serum/ 可追溯冷冻人血清中的脂质标准物质

产品批号         Lot:  N/A

产品有效期     Expiration Date:       4/30/2030

产品包装        Unit of Issue:   4 vials x 1 mL

销售状态         Status:     Now Selling

COA日期         Certificate Date:      1/5/2018

运输条件         Perishable:       Yes (Dry Ice: 9.0 – Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods)

是否危险品     Hazardous Material:        No

运输方式         Material Hazard Class:   Not Hazardous to Ship           


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