供应美国NIST可追溯碳酸锂标准物质SRM 924a

供应美国NIST可追溯碳酸锂标准物质SRM 924a


Purpose: This Standard Reference Material (SRM) is intended for use as a chemical of known purity in the calibration and standardization of procedures and for the routine critical evaluation of the daily working standards used in these procedures.

Description: A unit of SRM 924a consists of a single glass bottle containing 30 g of material. 可追溯碳酸锂标准物质

Certified Value: A NIST certified value is a value for which NIST has the highest confidence in its accuracy in that all known or suspected sources of bias have been investigated or taken into account [1]. The measurand is the total mass fraction for lithium carbonate. Metrological traceability is to the International System of Units (SI) derived unit for mass fraction (expressed as a percent). This certified value is calculated from the results of independent coulometric assays. The stated uncertainty is the expanded uncertainty, U, expressed at a level of confidence of approximately 95 % and calculated as U = kuc, where uc is the combined standard uncertainty calculated according to the ISO/JCGM Guide [2]. The value of uc is intended to represent, at the level of one standard deviation, the combined effects of material variability as well as random and systematic components of uncertainty. The value of the coverage factor, k, is 2. The relative molecular mass for lithium carbonate used in the calculations is 73.8915 and is based on the lithium isotopic abundance as determined by mass spectrometry in the SRM material. 美国NIST可追溯


SRM 924a的一个单元由一个装有30克材料的玻璃瓶组成。


SRM 924a – Lithium Carbonate

产品名称         Description:     Lithium Carbonate

产品批号         Lot:  N/A

产品有效期     Expiration Date:       5/1/2022

产品包装         Unit of Issue:   30 g

销售状态         Status:     Now Selling

COA日期         Certificate Date:      2/9/2016

运输条件         Perishable:       No

是否危险品     Hazardous Material:        No 运输方式         Material Hazard Class:   Not Hazardous to Ship