NIST classifies food-matrix SRMs based on fat, protein, and carbohydrate content using a triangle developed by AOAC INTERNATIONAL1, based on the supposition that foods (and thus reference materials) within each sector will have similar properties and therefore will pose similar challenges in determination of the same nutrient. Preparation of food-matrix SRMs has been based on the distribution of foods from a typical US diet in the AOAC triangle, with a majority of common foods and SRMs categorized in sectors 5 and 6 (e.g., fruits, vegetables, cereals, and grains). Conversely, only a small fraction of foods and SRMs are categorized in sectors 1 through 4 (higher-fat foods like meats and nuts). Additional materials are also prepared based on suggestions from user communities. / NIST根据脂肪、蛋白质和碳水化合物含量,利用AOAC INTERNATIONAL1开发的三角形对食品基质SRM进行分类,假设每个部门内的食品(以及参考材料)具有相似的性质,因此在确定相同的营养素时会带来相似的挑战。食品基质SRM的制备基于AOAC三角区典型美国饮食中的食品分布,大多数普通食品和SRM分类在第5和第6部分(例如水果、蔬菜、谷物和谷物)。相反,只有一小部分食品和SRM属于第1至第4部分(肉类和坚果等高脂肪食品)。还根据用户社区的建议编写了其他材料。
SRM 1546a Meat Homogenate 肉匀浆
SRM 1845a Whole Egg Powder 全蛋粉
SRM 1568b Rice Flour 米粉
SRM 2383a Baby Food Composite 婴儿食品复合材料
SRM 3233 Fortified Breakfast Cereal 强化早餐麦片
SRM 1869 Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula* 婴儿/成人营养配方奶粉*
SRM 1544 Fatty Acids in Frozen Diet Composite 冷冻膳食复合物中的脂肪酸
SRM 1548a Typical Diet 典型饮食
SRM 1549a Whole Milk Powder 全脂奶粉/ 美国标准局NIST食品类标准物质
SRM 1849a Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula 婴儿/成人营养配方
SRM 1566b Oyster Tissue 牡蛎组织
SRM 2385 Slurried Spinach 浆状菠菜
SRM 3234 Soy Flour 豆粉
SRM 3290 Dry Cat Food 干猫粮
SRM 1946 Lake Superior Fish Tissue 苏必利尔湖鱼组织
SRM 1947 Lake Michigan Fish Tissue 密歇根湖鱼组织
SRM 2974a Mussel Tissue 贻贝组织 SRM 3252 Protein Drink Mix 蛋白质饮料混合物