SRM 2681 Trace Constituent Elements in Blank Filters (47 mm dia) 空白过滤器(直径47 mm)中的微量成分元素 10 filters
SRM 2783 Air Particulate on Filter Media(47 mm dia) 过滤介质上的空气微粒(直径47 mm) 2 filters plus 2 blanks
SRM 2950a Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media(Nominal Mass of Alpha Quartz 5 μg -500 μg) 过滤介质上的可吸入α-石英(α-石英的标称质量为5μg-500μg) 35 filters plus 35 blanks
SRM 2960 Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media(Nominal Mass of Cristobalite: 5 μg – 250 μg) 过滤介质上的可吸入方石英(方石英标称质量:5μg-250μg) 30 filters plus 30 blanks
SRM 8785 Air Particulate Matter on Filter Media 过滤介质上的空气颗粒物 3 filters
SRM 8786 Filter Blank for RM 8785 RM 8785的过滤器空白 filter/ 美国标准局NIST过滤介质上的可吸入物质
SRM 1648a Urban Particulate Matter 城市颗粒物 2 g
SRM 1649b Urban Dust 城市沙尘 2 g
SRM 1650b Diesel Particulate Matter 柴油颗粒物 200 mg
SRM 1866b Common Commercial Asbestos 普通商用石棉 set (3)
SRM 1877 Beryllium Oxide Powder 氧化铍粉末 20 g
SRM 1878b Respirable Alpha Quartz (Quantitative X-Ray Powder Diffraction Standard) 可吸入α-石英(定量X射线粉末衍射标准) 5 g
SRM 1879b Respirable Cristobalite (Quantitative X-Ray Powder Diffraction Standard) 可吸入方石英(定量X射线粉末衍射标准) 5 g
SRM 1975 Diesel Particulate Extract 柴油微粒提取物 4 x 1.2 mL
SRM 2583 Trace Elements in Indoor Dust (Nominal Mass Fraction of 90 mg/kg Lead) 室内灰尘中的微量元素(标称质量分数为90 mg/kg铅) 8 g
SRM 2584 Trace Elements in Indoor Dust (Nominal Mass Fraction of 1 % Lead) 室内灰尘中的微量元素(1%铅的标称质量分数) 8 g
SRM 2585 Organic Contaminants in House Dust 室内灰尘中的有机污染物 10 g
SRM 2586 Trace Elements in Soil Containing Lead From Paint (Nominal Mass Fraction of 500 mg/kg Lead) 油漆含铅土壤中的微量元素(标称质量分数为500 mg/kg铅) 55 g
SRM 2587 Trace Elements in Soil Containing Lead from Paint (Nominal Mass Fraction of 3000 mg/kg Lead) 油漆含铅土壤中的微量元素(标称质量分数为3000 mg/kg铅) 55 g SRM 2975 Diesel Particulate Matter 柴油颗粒物 1 g