供应人血清中钠、钾、氯标准物质JCCRM 111 (IP3-3)

供应人血清中钠、钾、氯标准物质JCCRM 111 (IP3-3)

イオン電極用実試料一次標準物質JCCRM 111 (IP3-3)

Certified Reference Material for Ion Selective Electrode(ISE)JCCRM 111 (IP3-3)


JCCRM 111 : Evaluate the accuracy of serum Na, K and Cl by ISE measurement

JCCRM 111 :ISE法测定血清Na、K、Cl的准确性评价

Japanese primary reference material for Na, K, Cl for ISE measurement      日本测定ISE用Na,K,Cl的主要标准物质

Na was assayed by definitive method, K was assayed by Isotope dilution mass spectrometry(ID/MS). Cl was assayed by ion-chromatography and coulometric titration       Na采用确定性方法测定,K采用同位素稀释质谱(ID/MS)测定。采用离子色谱法和库仑滴定法测定氯离子

frozen liquid     冷冻液

3 vials, one ampoule for each of 3 levels (L, M, H), each ampoule contains 1.0 mL        3小瓶,3个水平(L、M、H)各一安瓿,每安瓿含1.0毫升

glass ampoule (Do not reuse opened ampule.)       玻璃安瓿(不要重复使用打开的安瓿。)

temperature below -70℃        温度低于-70℃

shelf life: 9 months after the date of the receipt          保质期:收到之日起9个月

when stored at a temperatures -20℃, expiration is 1 month        在-20℃下储存℃, 有效期为1个月


人血清中钠、钾、氯标准物质JCCRM 111 (IP3-3)

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