血液ガス常用参照標準物質JCCRM 621 (BG3-6)
Certified Reference Material for Measurement of Blood GasesJCCRM 621 (BG3-6)
JCCRM 621 : Evaluate the accuracy of blood gas (pH, pCO2, pO2)
JCCRM 621 :评估血气(pH、pCO2、pO2)的准确性
Intended to be used for verifying the accuracy of blood gas (pH, pCO2, pO2) analysers in clinical testing, prepared from bovine hemoglobin *cannot be used for blood gas analysers not capable fo measuring hemolysate 用于验证临床试验中血气(pH、pCO2、pO2)分析仪的准确性,由牛血红蛋白制备*不能用于不能测量溶血物的血气分析仪
frozen liquid 冷冻液
6 ampouls, 2 ampouls for each of 3 levels (1, 2, 3), each ampouls contains 1.5 mL with an air-tight glass ampoule 6安瓿,3级(1、2、3)各2安瓿,每安瓿含1.5毫升,用气密玻璃安瓿
temperature below -70℃~-90℃ 温度低于-70℃~-90℃
shelf life: 9 months after the date of the receipt (2℃~10℃/4 days in a refrigerator) 保质期:收到之日起9个月(2)℃~10℃/冰箱内4天)
Certified Reference Material for Measurement of Blood GasesJCCRM 621 (BG3-6)
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