NIBSC90/690 Anti-Varicella-Zoster Antibody 90/690
Product description | Anti-Varicella-Zoster Antibody/抗水痘带状疱疹抗体/抗水痘带状疱疹抗体标准物质/抗水痘带状疱疹抗体标准品 |
Product number | 90/690 NIBSC90/690 |
Category | Diagnostics Immunoglobulins and immune seraDiagnostics |
Keywords | Varicella zoster |
Type of standard | European Certification |
Customer notes | CE marked for use as an IVD Within the UK, EU member states and EEA countries. In all other territories this product can be used for research purposes onlyExpires 06-2026. IFU available in English,French,Spanish only. |
Instructions for Use | 90-690.pdf Instructions for Use |
Minimum quantity | 1 |
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