NIBSC90/690 Anti-Varicella-Zoster Antibody 90/690

NIBSC90/690 Anti-Varicella-Zoster Antibody 90/690

Product descriptionAnti-Varicella-Zoster Antibody/抗水痘带状疱疹抗体/抗水痘带状疱疹抗体标准物质/抗水痘带状疱疹抗体标准品
Product number90/690 NIBSC90/690
CategoryDiagnostics Immunoglobulins and immune seraDiagnostics
KeywordsVaricella zoster
Type of standardEuropean Certification
Customer notesCE marked for use as an IVD Within the UK, EU member states and EEA countries. In all other territories this product can be used for research purposes onlyExpires 06-2026. IFU available in English,French,Spanish only.
Instructions for Use90-690.pdf Instructions for Use
Minimum quantity1


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