NIBSC94/728 Platelet-derived Growth Factor-BB (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard

NIBSC94/728  Platelet-derived Growth Factor-BB (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard


Product description Platelet-derived Growth Factor-BB (Human, rDNA derived) WHO International Standard
Product number 94/728 NIBSC94/728
Category Biotherapeutics Cytokines and Growth Factors
Keywords PDGF-BB
Type of standard International Standard
Customer notes 94/728 is the human form of the PDGF-BB molecule, synthesized in E. coli by recombinant DNA technology. 94/728 was established as the 1st International Standard for PDGF-BB in 1997.
Instructions for Use 94-728.pdf Instructions for Use
Minimum quantity 1


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