1022-A 非转基因大米种子粉末标准品Non-Modified Powder

1022-A 非转基因大米种子粉末标准品Non-Modified Powder

AOCS 1022-A 非转基因大米种子粉末标准品 has been prepared by AOCS from non-modified rice seed. AOCS 1022-A is available in 27-mL glass headspace vials containing approximately 10 g of material. Users are informed that this reference material has been produced from seed of non-modified Bengal rice line delivered by Bayer CropScience Company. The non-modified rice used in the preparation of AOCS 1022-A resulted from several cycles of self-pollination of the conventional line.

AOCS以未改性的水稻种子为原料制备了AOCS 1022-A。AOCS 1022-A装在含有约10g材料的27mL玻璃顶部空间小瓶中。用户被告知,该参考物质是由拜耳作物科学公司交付的未改良孟加拉水稻系的种子生产的。用于制备AOCS 1022-A的非转基因水稻是由常规品系的几个周期的自花授粉引起的。Non-Modified Powder


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